R and LaTeX PDF graphics

When writing a document in LaTeX that makes use of figures from R, I want to produce a PDF with

  • vector graphics,
  • consistent fonts,
  • not to mess around overlaying text in LaTeX,

and maybe typeset math in the R graphics. This post surveys the state of the art in how to achieve the best of all worlds when importing graphics generated by R into documents typeset to PDF with LaTeX. I look at postscript and PDF figures generated by R’s X11, Cairo, and finally the new (and awesome) TikZ devices.

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fink’s TeX packages

Fink’s support for TeX packages is poor: there aren’t many in the distribution and it’s not clear how best to add more. I ran into this while creating a fink package for TIPA, which I needed for a linguistics assignment.

They’re still using teTeX 3.0, while the rest of the world has moved on to TeXlive: in fact, tipa is part of TeXlive so if they’d made the move I wouldn’t even have to create a package.

Unlike debian, which has a TeX packaging policy, fink packaging of TeX seems quite ad-hoc. It’s hard to see where the correct place to install to is: README.fink only mentions ~/Library/texmf for users.

The only example of an “extra” package I could find was latex-beamer. That package installs itself to /sw/share/texmf-local. Some people seem to think this directory (or more correctly, /sw/etc/texmf.local which is the symlinked) is reserved for user-managed TeX packages. If official fink packages are installing themselves here, then that’s not the case.

Anyway, here’s the resulting finkinfo.