Machine learning for climbing grades

Conventional assessment of route difficulty for rock climbing is a subjective process. A small number of people (often just one) assign a grade for a particular route, and there isn’t really a process for refining grades once they’ve been assigned (it’s just one opinion vs another). Most of the grading systems are on an ordinal scale, which means you can rank the grades in order but the difference or ratio between grades isn’t meaningful. Intentional biases are even part of climbing culture.

To address these shortcomings, I developed a statistical model for grading rock climbing routes. The difficulty of a climbing route and the performance of a climber on a particular day are described by numerical ratings. The difference in ratings between a climber and a route determines the probability the climber will ascend the route “successfully”. For modern sport climbing, success loosely means getting to the top without weighting a rope or other mechanical devices. The climbing model is based on a dynamic Bradley-Terry model, which is a common model for game and sports rating systems such as Elo and Glicko-2.

While the statistical model provides a theory for predicting ascent outcomes based on ratings parameters, it’s not useful in practice without a process for estimating the parameters (individual ratings for climbers and routes) and hyperparameters (generalizations that are independent of individual climbers or routes, e.g. how hard the “average” route is, and how quickly climbers can improve). So I implemented an algorithm for estimating the parameters, based on the Whole-History Rating (WHR) algorithm. WHR is a fast algorithm that uses second-order (Newton-Raphson) optimization for finding the ratings for climbers and routes that maximize the likelihood of observing a particular set of ascents (known as the maximum a posteriori estimates). I used machine learning methods to choose the hyperparameters. The implementation is available as a free, open-source software package at the Climbing Ratings project on GitHub.

Continue reading “Machine learning for climbing grades”

Running a MacBook Pro and MacBook Air at native resolution

I wrote displaymode, a simple command line utility for changing the resolution of the main display of a macOS machine. It lets you run Retina displays at their native resolution. For a recent 15″ MacBook Pro this means 2880×1800 and for the 2018 MacBook Air Retina, 2560×1600

The repository is at and you can download a binary in the releases section.

To get native resolution on the MacBook Air, run:

./displaymode t 2560 1600

and on the MacBook Pro:

./displaymode t 2880 1800

Continue reading “Running a MacBook Pro and MacBook Air at native resolution”

Window titles in screen and urxvt, from vim

I previously posted about generating title escapes for screen and rxvt-unicode from zsh. I’ve since worked on getting a consistent title from vim, too. It’s become complex enough that I’m spinning it out into a new post.

To set both titles from vim, use its termcap-title options to push the title to screen using the iconstring. When not running under screen, the right titlestring escapes will be inferred from terminfo.

set title
auto BufEnter * let &titlestring = s:MyTitle()

if &term =~ 'screen\(\.\(xterm\|rxvt\)\(-\(256\)\?color\)\?\)\?'
  " Set the screen title using the vim "iconstring"."
  set t_IS=^[k
  set t_IE=^[\
  set icon
  auto BufEnter * let &iconstring = &titlestring
  " Set the xterm title using the vim "titlestring"."
  set t_ts=^[]2;
  set t_fs=^G

where the underlined characters are actual escapes input with ^V, not with literal carets.

As for generating a fancy title string like vim: there are some gotchas. The biggest is that vim does not preserve logical directory names, so getcwd() will resolve symlinks, leading to a different location string than generated by zsh’s %~. Rather than call pwd -L, we might as well unify the expansion syntax and call zsh. Of course, it’s nice to have a fallback, too:

Continue reading “Window titles in screen and urxvt, from vim”